Gravel: 814-374-4412
Redi Mix: 814-437-3013
Hours: M-F: 7:00-4:00

Family owned and operated in Franklin, PA. We are committed to supplying materials and redi-mix concrete to your job or residence.
# 814-437-3013
If you would like a free estimate, give us a call today
Sand: 4 different types of sand. Type A- PA State Approved.
Farm sand that is great for farms and under pools.
Mason Sand, H&H imported Mason Sand that we keep in stock and is extra fine
Crushed Gravel: PA State approved.2RC/2A This is a great base material
Washed Gravel: #57/2B gravel -state approved. Other washed material:
Antiskid, 1B,2BOS, 3A.
2B, 2BOS are a great driveway/drains
1B is a good material for driveway/roads
3A is generally used for landscaping, but all sizes work for hardscapes
Sandstone: 2BSS and R4 sandstone and both are great material for subbases
Limestone: 5 sizes of limestone in stock.
2ALS which is a great packing material.
2BLS a great driveway topper. 1BLS is consistent with material used on tar and chip roads. 1/4 quarter dust. #1LS consistent with fist size.
Red Stone: Imported material that we supply. We stock 2B/3A Red
Topsoil: We offer screened and unscreened topsoil
Crushed Concrete: Our concrete crushed into a 2A material, good for packing